Justas Viršilas

Justas Viršilas

Pediatric dentist

Education and experience
  • 2008–2013: Master's degree in Dentistry and qualification of general dental practitioner, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences
  • 2015-2021: Residency in Pediatric dentistry, qualification of Pediatric dentist, Vilnius University
Doctor provides the following treatments

Doctor’s work

Root canal treatment and restoration of primary teeth

The mother complained about decayed front teeth of her four-year-old daughter, was not satisfied with the appearance of the front teeth.

Radical root canal treatment and tooth restoration was performed under general anesthesia.

Treatment performed by: Justas Viršilas

Pediatric dentist

Primary tooth prosthodontics

The parents complained of their child’s decayed primary teeth, they were advised to restore the teeth using standard stainless steel crowns.

During the visit, the tooth was restored using a standard crown under local anesthesia.

Treatment performed by: Justas Viršilas

Pediatric dentist

Cosmetic bonding of primary teeth

The mother complains of decayed teeth of her 3-year-old, and toothache of the child.

All primary teeth treatment, cosmetic tooth bonding was performed under general anesthesia.

Treatment performed by: Justas Viršilas

Pediatric dentist

Trauma Tooth fractures

A 14-year-old girl after a trauma: 3 hours before presenting to the clinic, the patient slipped on a mat in a café, fell and hit the floor. She had not lost consciousness, did not vomit, but felt nauseous. She had the broken pieces of the teeth in her hand. She came in to the clinic for emergency treatment of teeth 11 and 21.

During the visit, tooth nerves were covered using protective materials, and the broken pieces we re-attached. The postoperative period, dental care, diet and possible complications were explained to the patient. A follow-up visit was booked in several months.

Treatment performed by: Justas Viršilas

Pediatric dentist

Trauma Tooth crown fracture

A girl had a trauma: 2 hours before coming in to the clinic she feel from her bed and chipped a tooth. She had not lost consciousness, did not vomit. She had the broken piece of the tooth in her hand. She came in to the clinic for emergency treatment of tooth number 11.

During the visit, an X-ray examination was performed. The broken piece was re-attached. The patient received diet and hygiene regimen information. A follow-up visit was scheduled after 2 months in order to prevent possible complications.

Treatment performed by: Justas Viršilas

Pediatric dentist

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