ZEBRIS JMAoptic system

ZEBRIS JMAoptic system

Prodentum Clinic is one of the most advanced clinics in the practice of applying the latest technologies in the treatment of patients.

Prodentum Clinic is one of the most advanced clinics in the practice of applying the latest technologies in the treatment of patients. Recently, we have started using the Zebris JMAoptic system in our clinic. This system allows us to record individual patient parameters. This allows the clinic team to achieve the highest quality standards from the simplest to the most complex treatment procedures.

Each patient’s masticatory system is absolutely individual. For this reason, not only does the treatment require extremely careful examination and precision of work, but also the need for complex and time-consuming treatment steps. Even after everything has been realised, the final application often takes place in the patient’s mouth. Thanks to the use of digital technologies in dentistry, these complex treatment processes are becoming more and more efficient for the treatment team, and the comfort of patients during treatment is also increasing. By integrating the Zebris JMAoptic system into the treatment process, we maximise the personalisation of the treatment process. This not only allows us to speed up the process and reduce the need for adapting restorations, but we can also ensure the longevity of the treatment. For patients who have a damaged and sensitive masticatory system, we can carry out an extremely detailed examination of the masticatory system.

The Zebris JMAoptic system allows you to record the individual patient’s chewing movement in three dimensions, and to see the movement of the lower jaw in both the teeth and the joint. This is especially important for patients with problems with the temporomandibular joint complex. The system integrates perfectly into all techniques based on digital technology. Once all the necessary parameters have been recorded, we can reproduce the patient’s biting movements in the computer space, in the denture modelling software, adapt the planned restorations to these movements and personalise the mechanical bite simulator-articulator.

All parameters are stored in a computer program and can be used for patient tracking and future treatment if required.